Vikram Madhok, Managing Director, Abercrombie & Kent India, and Honorary Treasurer, PATA India Chapter, has been elected as the next Chairman of the PATA Industry Council, for the term of May 2016-May 2017. The PATA India Chapter, established in 1974, has grown to include 236 members and is one of the most dynamic Chapters in the Asia Pacific region today. With major support from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India which is the main and largest PATA India member organization, the Chapter includes State Tourism Boards, Carriers, Hotels, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Service Providers and other travel-related companies.
Read More »TAFI national elections, AGM by June end
The Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) has been busy with its ongoing chapter elections and will soon be conducting its national team election along with its Annual General Meeting (AGM) by June end. Revealing this information is Pradip Lulla, National General Secretary, TAFI, who said, “A lot of our chapters like Tamil Nadu have completed their elections. We will now be sending out notification for our AGM to all our members that will be combined with our national committee elections around June end. We are still deciding on the city and venue. By July, we will be able to finally roll out our Joint Bank Guarantee Scheme.” TAFI had earlier deferred the joint bank guarantee scheme last June citing unsuitable legal terms for its members.
Read More »Former TAAI & UFTAA president VinooUbhayakar passes away
VinooUbhayakar, past president of Travel Agents Association of India (1975-1978) and the first Asian and Indian to be elected as the president of Universal Federation of Travel Agent’s Association (UFTAA) (1982-1984), passed away yesterday. He was 90.Ubhayakarbegan his travel industry career in 1949 with Asiatic Travel Service where he went on to become the Managing Director in 1953. He joined Trade Wings as Executive Director and in 1965 was appointed the Managing Director a position he continues to hold today. He was elected to the board of Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association for four years then as Vice President for two years and then President for two years of this World Body. During his tenure,Ubhayakarorganised the Silver Jubilee Function in Mumbai and introduced the Agastya Awards too.
Read More »OTOAI, Turkish Indian Tourism Council sign MoU
OTOAI has signed an MoU with Turkish Indian Tourism Council (TITC) for bilateral tourism promotion between India and Turkey on the sidelines of the 2nd OTOAI Convention in Bali. The MoU was signed between OTOAI President Guldeep Singh Sahni and TITC Chairman Emin Cakmak. Through this MoU, OTOAI will form an Indo-Turkish Tourism Council with its members who can coordinate with members of TITC to promote tourism between the two countries. Both sides will meet regularly to discuss ways in which this an be done.
Read More »240 delegates at OTOAI Convention Bali
The second edition of OTOAI Convention opened in Bali at the Pan Pacific Nirwana Bali Resort, Indonesia with outbound travel agents and OTOAI national committee in full attendance. Riaz Munshi opened the Convention and spoke about the theme ‘India Outbound: the game changer’ and why they chose Bali as the venue for the convention. OTOAI President Guldeep Singh Sahni spoke about what was in store for the delegates and the topics that will be touched upon the following day, including the tax issues. With 240 delegates, including overseas participants, the three-day convention will witness dedicated meetings and business sessions, and two days will be spent on post-convention fam trips.
Read More »11 nominations for IATO EC Members
A total of 11 nominations have been filed for active Executive Committee (EC) Members of Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO). Also, for the allied EC members, a total of five nominations have been filed. There is also an incomplete nomination. While the IATO elections are scheduled for April 23, 2016, the last date for withdrawal for anybody filing multiple nominations is March 22, 2016 by 3 pm. In case the multiple nominations are not withdrawn before that, the nominations stand invalid.
Read More »Nominations for IATO Secretariat
Two nominations have been filed for the post of Sr. Vice President of Indian Association of Tour Operators, while three nominations have been received for the post of Vice President. Two nominations each have been filed for both Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer’s positions and a total of four nominations have been filed for the position of Honorary Joint Secretary. IATO elections are scheduled for April 23, 2016. Some candidates have filed nominations for multiple positions and will have to retain only one position for which they want to contest. Hence they need to withdraw their names by 3 pm, March 22, 2016.
Read More »5 nominees for IATO President
The nominees for the post of IATO President are: E.M. Najeeb, Maharaj I.S. Wahi, Pronab Sarkar, Sarab Jit Singh, and Vijay Thakur. The nominations were opened on March 17, 2016 by Akshay Kumar, Returning Officer, IATO Elections 2016 in front of the Executive Committee. The last date for withdrawal for nominations is March 22, 2016 and the elections are scheduled to be held on April 23, 2016.
Read More »India on way to become 3rd largest aviation market by 2020
The FICCI-KPMG ‘India Aviation Report 2016’, launched at the civil aviation exposition in Hyderabad, reveals that with 81 million trips, India’s domestic aviation market grew at over 20.3% during January to December 2015-the highest growth rate recorded in the world. It further said that India is well on its way to become the third largest aviation market by 2020, owing to increasing disposable incomes, fall in prices of Aircraft Turbine Fuel (ATF), increase in tourism, visa reforms, etc. have placed India in a unique position. This is bringing the country closer to achieving its vision of becoming the largest aviation market by 2030. The report highlights that the National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP 2016) is likely to provide a significant fillip to the industry. The various fiscal and monetary incentives, liberal policies focused on ‘ease of doing business’ and enhanced push for regional and global connectivity are extremely positive. Steps taken to revive and operationalise around 160 airports in India, if chosen carefully, will improve air connectivity to regional and remote areas. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the sector will get substantial support from the state in terms of financing, concessional land allotment, tax holidays and other incentives. The report strongly suggests that in order to ensure high-geared growth, it is imperative to broaden the base of domestic flyers through greater air connectivity in Tier 2/3 cities. Many Indian states have taken positive initiatives, largely in the field of development of airports, reduction in sales tax rates on ATF and direct subsidy to airlines for improvement of connectivity. The government and industry are engaged closely in addressing the various opportunities and challenges in the aviation sector; and that’s a welcome sign. …
Read More »240 delegates expected at OTOAI Convention
Outbound Tour Operators Association of India (OTOAI) is all geared up for its Convention to be held from March 17-21, 2016 in Bali, Indonesia. Riaz Munshi, Convention Chairman, OTOAI, says, “We are expecting around 240 delegates. We have booked close to 220 tickets from India and we also have people coming from Singapore, The Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia.” Though the names of the panelists at the Convention have not been disclosed yet, Munshi informs that the business sessions are going to be informative with panel discussions on the current scenario of the market and the dynamic changes taking place in it.
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